I have visited personally the shopkeepers whom I understood to be owed outstanding debts by the Marquis de Franconville-aux-bois, and have purchased those debts on the condition that they refuse to give him credit in the future. I have also invited our mutual acquaintances to dinner and cards this week, and will encourage those to whom he owes gambling debts to consider calling them in. He will in short order be forced to go once more to his uncle, the Duc de Lauragais, for a sum so vast that the man, already past temper with his nephew for his constant borrowing, will have to decide whether or not to make good on his threat to cut F- off for good. I may only hope that he does.
Few enough words from Thierry of late, but where once this would have caused me great consternation I have now the patience of Penelope, and busy myself with other things while I wait for some communication.
Olympe, Comtesse