Thursday, August 9, 2012


It's been a while since we've had some trivia. Let's rectify that with a little light opera lore:-

This opera, though composed in the 20th century, is set in the 18th century and based on a series of Hogarth prints.


  1. The Rake's Progress is it! We just finished this beautiful opera at Wolf Trap Opera this summer, pictures to come.

  2. It may be A Rake's Progress, but the picture you use alongside your question is from my "Pamela." Just letting you know.

    Samuel Richardson

    1. My dear Mr. Richardson,

      I am aware that the picture is from your very interesting novel. It was used for it's similar style while not being too obvious, as most readers are familiar with the Rake's Progress series of prints.

      Thank you for visiting!


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